Sunday, January 6, 2013

Chugginton the son stealer

Since my son has been able to open doors we have always kept his door free of childproof locks. We have been told by others to put a knob cover on his side of the door to keep him from getting out but my question is, why would I do that?

I love that my son is able to get up and come out when he feels ready. And maybe I am super lucky cause my son never abuses it, he isn't a morning person either and tend to rest in his bed for a while before getting up.

Also, what if there was a fire and he couldn't get out? Yeah, that scares me!

I have been enjoying watching him learn about this new bit of independence. In my opinion the greatest way to wake up in the morning is to hear his little feet running towards our room so he can come up to me and say "good morning bud." That is until the train set arrived...

My In-laws gave him a Chugginton Train Set for Christmas and it was taken over his attention. He now gets up and runs straight for his train set and starts to set it up. Ok, in all seriousness, good for him! He is doing some great small motor and problem solving work while setting up the track...but I feel so rejected!!!

Well, at least I still get my "good morning bud," that is when I get out of bed and walk down to where he is playing trains. He does stop for a moment to great me and flash his big proud smile.
::heart melted::

Maybe this is preparing me for when he starts dating.

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