Monday, January 28, 2013

Back to Reality...My Orphaned Family

If you haven't followed my YT Channel from the beginning you might have missed some info about my life along the way. No biggie I will fill you in!

My husband and I have one son, a dog, and we own a house in need of LOTS of repairs. We moved to our current state and home when our son was 1month old, into a town where we knew 0 people, and had 0 support. Thankfully our families came to help us unpack but then as always they all had to get back to their own lives and drive many, many, many hours away.

I have to say life as a Mom is totally different than what I thought it would be like. I guess in my vision I always would have a support system of great friends and family to help me out. The place we were living while I was pregnant was GREAT!! I had an amazing support system, even though the closest family members were 7hrs away. So moving into a new state, new town and not having a friend for miles was HAAAARRRRDDD!!

Now 2 1/2 yrs later and it's still hard. Yes, we have friends but one thing you will learn is that if your friends all have family in the area, they really don't know how to sympathize with you. I mean don't get me wrong my friends are great but when all you have are friends you lean on them a lot, but since they don't need to lean on you so much you sometimes get left in the dust while they go off doing other things. Sometimes it's like being in 5th grade and you're jealous cause your best friend has other friends besides you. We have become the orphaned family of this small community, with invitations to friend's family holiday functions so we aren't alone on Easter, etc. Which is great don't get me wrong, just not like the life I envisioned for us as a family.

My family is great, they really are. They live further than my husbands family but they visit a ton. It's amazing how much lighter and better I feel while they are here. I start to think "I could live like this" and then BAM it's Sunday and it's time to say "good bye." That Monday is the "case of the monday's" times 100. My son is a mess cause he misses his grandparents and I am just sad, depressed even, from the realization that it's time to go back to reality. Let's not forget the horrible guilt of not being able to give my son the family time I had as a kid.

My parents just visited for the weekend to help with our current home project. They travel sooo far and we put them to work. But seeing as we do most of the work alone, on the weekends, and it takes FOREVER, we were overjoyed with the help. But all good things must come to an end...

I will spend the next few days trying to think of a way to get us closer to family, only to realize it would have to at least be a 1-2 year plan and well that isn't as fast as TOMORROW! So, I will drink my cup of coffee, eat a big fat chocolate chip (eating my feelings) cookie and start the laundry.

To all you Moms and Dads out there doing it w/ a very small support system, I've got your back! **HUGS**

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